Born and raised in Minnesota, I wasn’t quite ready to leave the state and my family when searching for colleges. I decided to attend Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota where I studied economics and political science. At Carleton, my passion for education and research grew. I participated in three study abroad programs where I spent months living and studying in Costa Rica, England, Spain, Thailand, and Myanmar. Finally, with graduation looming, I felt comfortable leaving my home state and took the Amtrak out to New York City where I worked for over two years as an analyst in economic consulting at Cornerstone Research.
While I expanded my research skills and fell in love with New York City, my desire to teach, outside of tutoring students in my free time, was unabating. When I had left Myanmar during my study abroad three years prior, I knew my time there wasn’t complete, so I decided to sell all of my things and move to Yangon, Myanmar to teach social studies to middle school students. And yet, I missed having research in my life. I applied to PhD programs in the United States to blend my interests in research and education. Luckily, I landed back in my favorite city. Now, I’m in a PhD program at Princeton University where I am studying ways of teaching civics that motivates students to participate in politics in the United States. More generally, I enjoy researching and exploring how to increase young adults’ traditional and non-traditional political participation.
You can find my latest research projects and teaching materials on this site. Cheers!